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Questions about Cookies

What are cookies, why should I use them, and how do I enable them?
Cookies are very small files that contain information about your visit to a web site and your use of the site. They are sent by a server and are stored on your computer. They can't access or read the files on your hard drive, and they also cannot be used as viruses. They are used to send you the information you want from a site more quickly and to automatically do things for you that would otherwise require more work on your part.

Can I shop online without using cookies?
Because shopping cart systems at online stores rely heavily on cookies to temporarily remember what you've put into your shopping basket, you are almost always required to use cookies in order to shop online. These cookies usually expire as soon as you exit a shop.

What are some cookie troubleshooting tips?
1. Make sure cookies are enabled:

Netscape Navigator 4.x users: To enable your cookies, choose Preferences from the Edit menu. Select the Advanced Category from the Category pane on the left. In the cookie section on the right, click "Accept all cookies."

Internet Explorer 4.0 users: To enable your cookies, Choose Internet Options from the View menu. Click the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the Security section and under Cookies, select "Always accept cookies."

2. If cookies are enabled and the problem persists:
Netscape Navigator 4.x users: Choose Preferences from the Edit menu. Select the Advanced Category. In the cookie section on the right, select "Warn me before accepting cookies."

Internet Explorer 4.0 users: Choose Internet Options from the View menu. Click the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the Security section and under Cookies, select "Prompt before accepting cookies." If you do not receive a prompt, the browser is having difficulty retrieving a cookie.

3. Possible solution for Netscape users:
Try logging on to two or three times consecutively (without shutting down your browser). For example, log-on, and when you get the cookie error screen, go to the top right corner of the screen and click Log-on. Then try logging on again. Sometimes Netscape resolves its cookie issues itself after a couple attempted logins.
4. If the problem continues, restart your computer.

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